Airport Authority Police Department - Syracuse Hancock International Airport

Airport Authority Police Department

About Us

Established by enabling legislation in June 2022, the Syracuse Regional Airport Authority Police Department (SRAAPD) serves as the primary law enforcement agency for Syracuse Hancock International Airport. As the first police department created in New York State in nearly 50 years, the SRAAPD was built from the ground up to meet the unique security needs of the airport. On March 6, 2023, the department assumed full operational responsibilities from the Syracuse Police Department and now provides 24/7, year-round law enforcement services to the greater Syracuse Airport Campus. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and resources, SRAAPD Officers are fully empowered under New York State Criminal Procedure Law 1.20(34) to enforce all applicable laws within the airport jurisdiction, ensuring the safety and security of the airport community.

SRAAPD Officers work in three shifts, “A Watch,” “B Watch,” and “C Watch,” each supervised by a Police Sergeant. Officers are dispatched by the Onondaga County 911 Center and the Airport Communications Center to calls for service throughout the Airport, from crimes in progress to medical emergencies.

The Patrol Division utilizes two marked Ford Explorer/Interceptors and conducts duties including, but not limited to:

  • Response to calls for service.
  • Proactive police patrol & crime prevention.
  • Enforcement of appropriate Federal, State, and local laws.
  • Crash investigation.
  • Reporting and preliminary investigation of criminal complaints.
  • Response to non-criminal complaints.

SRAA Police Department Mission Statement

“Empowering safety, trust, and efficiency, the Syracuse Regional Airport Authority Police Department is dedicated to protecting and serving our community with integrity, professionalism, and vigilance. Through proactive measures and collaborative partnerships, we ensure the safety and security of all travelers and stakeholders, while upholding the highest standards of excellence in law enforcement.”

SRAA Police Department Use of Force Policies

Download Full Use of Physical Force Policy Here

Download Full Use of Deadly Physical Force Policy Here

Download Full Use of Physical Force Policy Here

Download Full Use of Deadly Physical Force Policy Here

Contact Information

Call Dispatch 24/7
    • 315-455-3500
Records Request
    • Please submit your request for police reports here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How can I get a copy of a Police or Motor Vehicle Collision report?

A: Please email your request, with the case number to:, and a copy will be sent you.


Q: What should I do with a parking ticket I received?

A: If you are pleading “guilty,” parking tickets should be returned and paid to the City of Syracuse Parking Violations Bureau by mail, online,  phone, or in person.   If you wish to plead “not guilty,” you must request a live or mail based hearing.   You may contact the City of Syracuse Parking Violations Bureau at 315-448-8310.


Q: Does the SRAAPD Store weapons or other property for safekeeping if I end up at the Airport with it by mistake?

A: No, we do not have storage for personal items or weapons.


Q: Does the SRAAPD conduct escorts to my vehicle if I feel uncomfortable?

A: Yes, please call the Airport Communications Center at 315-442-5220 and request a Police escort.


Q: I am interested in working for the SRAAPD. How can I apply?

A: Please keep an eye on the SRAA Careers Page for a listing of current job opportunities. You may also submit a resume and cover letter to be kept on file by emailing the Police Captain at


Q: My firearm was seized by the SRAAPD. How do I get it back?

A: Upon the conclusion of the Police Investigation, you will be contacted to retrieve your firearm. You will need to provide proof of ownership, any applicable permit(s) to possess it, and, if necessary or required, a FFL to transfer it to.

Civilian Tips, Compliments, Suggestions, and Complaints (Police Department Only)

Members of the public are asked to please submit their tips, compliments, suggestions, and complaints using this form for the Syracuse Regional Airport Authority Police Department only. Please submit all other general airport inquiries using our “Contact Us” page.

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
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