Syracuse, New York – The Syracuse Regional Airport Authority (SRAA) held their annual State of the Airport event this morning at the Marriott Syracuse Downtown. The event, which also served as a celebration of the airport’s 75-year anniversary, was held in the historic hotel’s Grand Ballroom. Over 200 attendees listened to insightful presentations from airport leadership and industry experts. The event also marked the release of the SRAA’s 2024 Annual Report to the Community. A digital version of the 2024 Annual Report to the Community may be viewed here.  

SRAA Executive Director Jason Terreri spoke at length about the successes of 2024, the challenges lying ahead for the airport and the region, and the SRAA’s vision for tackling those challenges while concurrently elevating the passenger experience at the airport. Guest speaker Bill Swelbar, Chief Industry Analyst at the Swelbar- Zhong Consultancy, provided a broader, aviation-wide perspective, helping attendees understand the current state of the airline sector and the role that SYR plays in the larger aviation landscape. 

“We greatly appreciate all the elected and appointed officials, members of the business community, and community leaders who joined us for our State of the Airport event this morning,” said SRAA Executive Director Jason Terreri. “We recognize the critical role that SYR plays in our community and we look forward to continuing our collaborative approach to develop the airport and meet the growing needs of our community.” 

To learn more about the 29 destinations served by nonstop flights from SYR, please visit the airport’s Destinations Page

About the SRAA 

The Syracuse Regional Airport Authority (SRAA) operates Syracuse Hancock International Airport (SYR) serving Upstate New York, providing a safe, convenient, seamless passenger experience while enhancing economic opportunity, development, and growth in the region. Established on August 17, 2011, the SRAA officially took over operations of the airport from the City of Syracuse on March 1, 2014. The SRAA’s vision is for SYR to be recognized as a best-in-class airport elevating the customer experience and exceeding stakeholder expectations, while using innovative technology and optimizing the economic prosperity of the region we serve. 

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